
Doom Games - Codex


Back in mid-2000, I created a small guide to how the Doom+ front end worked. However, I wanted to make it much more fun than the usual style of guide. And thus was the Doom+ Codex created.

The original Codex was created on my RiscPC on RISC OS 4, and can be found on my site, but the images are quite low resolution. The new images, here, were all created on RISC OS Pyromaniac and are much higher resolution PNGs than the original.


2024Main window

(Full size image)

2024Sound configuration window

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2024Video configuration window

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2024Misc configuration window

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2024Control (Keyboard) configuration window

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2024Control (Joystick) configuration window

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2024Control (Mouse) configuration window

(Full size image)

2024Network (Game type) configuration window

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2024Network (Monsters) configuration window

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2024Network (Macros) configuration window

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2024Network (Names) configuration window

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2024Network (Endgame) configuration window

(Full size image)

2024Network (Weapons) configuration window

(Full size image)

2024Network (Misc) configuration window

(Full size image)