
Doom Games - Media


Leaked Doom (1997)

1998Leaked Doom and DoomWads


Doom+ (1999)

1999Christmas pressie release


Hexen (2024)

2024Early startup graphics


2024Early game play


2024Improved resolution over the 1999 release

(Full size image)

2024RISC OS Pyromaniac at 3.7 FPS


2024RISC OS Pyromaniac runs the front end


2024Rock 4C+ runs Hexen


2024RPCEmu gameplay, with music


2024Different character classes

(Full size image)

2024Different weapons are available to different classes


2024PolyObjects allow walls to move


2024Testing through the CI system


All the components that make up Hexen get built automatically when they are pushed to the Git server. Some, like the front end and the game, are run to make sure that they work as well. To do this, they are sent to the RISC OS Build service and run short scripts to exercise parts of their execution.

This example shows the build and test process being triggered from the command line, running the game. The game runs for 10 seconds and then exits. If there's a problem, it'll report an error and the test will fail.

Heretic (2024)

2024Early startup screen


2024Game is starting to run properly


2024Cleaned up statup screen


2024Running at different resolutions

(Full size image)
(Full size image)

2024Testing through the CI system

(Full size image)
(Full size image)

2024RPCEmu gameplay, with music


Doom+ (2024)

2024First run of Doom+ made 32bit


2024Anaglyph (3D glasses) Doom
